3. What Classycle's Analyser measuresAnalyser measures several metrics which are tabulated in the XML report. They are divided into two groups: Class/package metrics and cycle metrics.3.1 Class/Package MetricsFor each analysed class/package the following metrics are reported:
In addition averaged values and maximum values are calculated by the XSLT reportXMLtoHTML.xsl. 3.2 Cycle metricsClassycle calculates for each class/package vertex of the cycle the so-called eccentricity. This is the smallest number of steps which guarantees that any other vertex can be reached from this vertex. Classycle calculates the eccentricity by first calculating the distance matrix using the Floyd-Warshall algorithm. The distance from vertex A to vertex B is defined as the shortest path from A to B. Note, that in a directed graph the distance from B to A is in general different from the distance from A to B. The eccentricity of A is the maximum over all distances measured from A.In addition Classycle calculates for each vertex of the cycle the maximum fragment size. This is the number of vertices in the largest strong component (i.e., subcycle, for a more precise definition see Chapter 2.4) the cycle condenses after removing that vertex. This analysis helps to detected the optimal point (i.e., class) in the cycle to start improving a design with cyclic dependencies. Chapter 4 gives hints for such improvements. For each cycle Classycle reports the following metrics:
(C) 2003-2008 Franz-Josef Elmer. All rights reserved. Last modified: 4/10/2006 |